Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not in Front of the Kids

Ok I'm back! I am obsessing over a few things right now and I need the rest of the world to obsess with me.

First and foremost, the fabulous Klara & Johanna Söderberg of First Aid Kit

and as if one will ever be enough...

Lookbook.nu because I am merely female and clothes are always on my mind.
Here are a few I plan on sporting myself.

And ofcourse my very own best friend and roommate Jill.
Here is a list of reasons why you would want one of your own...
1. She fiens for mashed potatoes 24/7.
2. A wide of array of voices, slang terms, and made up catch phrases (yanka, zing).
3.Life changing voicemails.
4. And ofcourse the icing on the cake is her musical talents at 4 AM

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Thanks for comming back to me, I missed you.

p.s. I love First Aid Kit, I just downloaded them on my iTunes, and funny thing is... I was just going to write about them today! WE ARE SISTERS!