Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mess with the bull...

You get the horns.
You called me out Stacy and here it is. Obviously my priorities aren't quit as inline as yours are.
I guess you could say this is my little corner of the universe.

Happiness - by ashleybird on Polyvore.com

What do you have Krysta, Eh? That's what I thought.

Not in Front of the Kids

Ok I'm back! I am obsessing over a few things right now and I need the rest of the world to obsess with me.

First and foremost, the fabulous Klara & Johanna Söderberg of First Aid Kit

and as if one will ever be enough...

Lookbook.nu because I am merely female and clothes are always on my mind.
Here are a few I plan on sporting myself.

And ofcourse my very own best friend and roommate Jill.
Here is a list of reasons why you would want one of your own...
1. She fiens for mashed potatoes 24/7.
2. A wide of array of voices, slang terms, and made up catch phrases (yanka, zing).
3.Life changing voicemails.
4. And ofcourse the icing on the cake is her musical talents at 4 AM