Friday, September 26, 2008


These are the infamous yellow shoes. They were going to take me places, (more specifically the bar last saturday night) I'm not sure if I had a momentary lapse of judgement, but who in their right mind wears 5 inch heels to the bar. I couldn't say no though. I had to have the bright yellow platform patent leather. HAD TO! I also had to pay extra to have them rush delivered. You would think with all the love I had for them during my impulse internet shopping spree that they would not be in the garbage next to the day old hamburger helper. I would like to enter exhibit A.

This is why they have been so cruelly discarded. While gracefully exiting the bar at the end of the night my shoes mistakenly thought that the top step was the bottom and skipped over the last three.

As you can see I had a wonderful support system throughout the whole thing. Jennifer held my hand through her laughter, Melissa just stood in pure amazement of my shoe's betrayal, and Stacy and Jill captured as many pictures of my gracefull exit as possible. A police officer even came to my assistance, to which we had to explain that I was not drunk but made a horrbile mistake of wearing the wrong shoes to the bar.
After all of this I thought my humility was over, but ofcourse someone so sweetly pointed out on the plane that I was the only flight attendant he had ever met that had a skinned up knee. NO WHERE IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION DOES IT SAY THAT I HAVE TO BE COORDINATED!!!!

After witnessing that I am sure you are all put off by the color yellow. Do not fear, it came through during my pie baking.

It's beautiful, I know it!